Ben Jones

Ben does Sport. Comedy sport. Documentary sport. Post Production sport and all other production genres you can put in front of sport.

Football, Golf, Rugby, Athletics, Cricket, F1, Tennis and too may more to mention; he’s worked in them all, though he has never done bog snorkelling and would welcome a good script around it if anyone has one.

Working with some of the biggest stars in sport over the last ten years has also given Ben a great understanding of how to work with global talent and get the best out of them, in what are normally time sensitive shoots and usually alongside multiple agency demands for the talent.

Ben is also brilliantly adept at getting the most out of shoots and thinking on his feet to create other possible content opportunities alongside the main script.

He has a background as an award winning creative and agency owner having written and overseen campaigns for some of the biggest clients in the world.

He is a huge Arsenal fan but if the scripts great* he will work on a Tottenham film…

*Cannes Gold Lion potential.